Over 11 months of 2018 local budgets received more money than over the whole last year

As a result of 11 months of 2018, the general fund of local budgets of Ukraine (excluding transfers) received UAH 212.5 billion, which is 22.5% (UAH 39 billion) more than in 2017 and makes up 95.1% of the approved plan for the whole 2018 year. Revenues of January-November this year already exceed local budget revenues, received over the whole 2017, by UAH 20.6 billion or by 10.7%, as reported by Yanina Kazyuk, financial decentralisation coordinator of the Central Reform Office under MinRegion.

In particular, the PIT inflow amounted to UAH 122.9 billion, which is 26.2% more than in January-November of the last year, land payment inflow amounted to UAH 25 billion, which is 3.3% (+UAH 0.8 billion) more than last year, single tax inflow made up UAH 28.1 billion (increased by UAH 5.9 billion, or by 26.8%).

Receipts of local budget revenues of 665 AHs in January-November 2018 increased by 62.6% and amounted to UAH 18.9 billion (UAH 7.3 billion).



Own revenues of AHs per capita grew by 62.6%, compared to the same period in 2017, and amounted to UAH 3356.4.

Taking into account that 299 AHs, where the first local elections were held in 2017, only this year have received 60% of personal income tax inflow, their own resources, compared to the same period last year, increased by 2.7 times and amounted to UAH 8.8 billion (+UAH 5.5 billion).

At the same time, the growth rate of own revenues of 366 AHs (formed in 2015-2016), which in 2017 already received the enrollment of 60% of the PIT to their budgets, makes up + 20.9% (+UAH 1.7 billion), that is, the total the sum of revenues amounts to UAH 10.1 billion.



budget budget analytics Yanina Kazyuk


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