Yuriy Hanushchak: “Poltava Oblast will become a litmus indicator of administrative reform success”

An interview with Yuriy Hanushchak, expert of the Central Reform Office, on the Poltava Oblast TV channel “Misto” featured the prospects and realities of the decentralisation reform, hospital districts and the future of “rayons’ consolidation”, as announced by the Poltava Local Government Development Centre, established with the support of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme and MinRegion.

The cornerstone of the half-hour communication were the prospects of the draft law No. 9204 “On the Establishment, Elimination and Change of the Borders of Rayons of the Poltava Oblast”. The experts, the public and hromadas’ representatives have been discussing the possible implications of the adoption of this document for about a month. If the Verkhovna Rada supports it, the Poltava Oblast will be the first in Ukraine to “consolidate” its rayons. Instead of the current 25 rayons there will be only four: the Poltava, Kremenchuk, Myrhorod and Lubny Rayons. This prospect was announced for the first time in October during the debates “Why Should Hromadas Amalgamate?” held in Poltava.

The full interview with Yuriy Hanushchak to “Misto” TV Channel:




administrative and territorial structure rayon Yu.Hanushchak


Полтавська область


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