Ministry of Finance wants to allow LSG bodies to receive information about taxpayers, - Association of Rayon and Oblast Councils

The Ministry of Finance of Ukraine has prepared a draft law to enable local self-government to receive information on the payment of local taxes.

This is stated in the Ministry’s clarification, prepared in response to the appeal of the Ukrainian Association of Rayon and Oblast Councils.

It means that, in case of approval of the draft law, the controlling bodies will send to the councils monthly information on the amounts of accrued and paid taxes and fees, as well as the amount of tax debt on the respective territories.

As stated in the clarification, such a provision will allow local self-government bodies to timely and qualitatively plan their budgets.

The draft law is at the stage of submission to the Cabinet of Ministers.

It should be mentioned that, according to the legislation, controlling bodies are currently the only ones, who can see information about taxpayers and tax payment.


15.11.2018 - 11:01 | Views: 12423
Ministry of Finance wants to allow LSG bodies to receive information about taxpayers, - Association of Rayon and Oblast Councils





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