Oleksandrivska hromada – northern gate of Donetsk Oblast


The Oleksandrivska hromada is at the intersection of the Donetsk, Dnipropetrovsk and Kharkiv Oblasts. That is why the hospitable agricultural community is considered to be the “gate” of the Donetsk Oblast.

Although the first elections in the Oleksandrivska AH have taken place only in April this year, other Donetsk Oblast’s hromadas can envy its activity and dedication to development.

The young AH decided to focus on entrepreneurship. It has 63 medium and small enterprises, of which one third is engaged in trade, and one third – in agricultural sector. During a study visit to the Oleksandrivska AH, organised by the Donetsk Local Government Development Centre, established with the support of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme and MinRegion, the guests saw learned how the business is developing on the territory of the urban-type settlement.








Apple juice produced by the AH



Lyudmyla Borysevych, head of the Oleksandrivska AH



Establishment of the park in Oleksandrivka is being completed at the expense of the oblast environmental fund



The Oleksandrivska AH is well-known for its Maryivka water reservoir, where the national-level competitions in carp sport fishing have been held for already nine years

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE


Донецька область


Олександрівська територіальна громада


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