Discussion of amendments to legislation on administrative services

Discussion of the necessary changes to the legislation on the administrative service provision is ongoing. Experts of improved administrative service delivery of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme offer to address the key problems of the quality of administrative service provision in the following segments:

  • • development of ASC network,
  • • social and pension services,
  • • passport services,
  • • place of residence registration,
  • • registration of acts of civil status,
  • • real estate and business registration,
  • • registration of land plots and issuance of information from the State Land Cadastre
  • • problematic issues of ASC sustainability and related services in ASC.

The experts also invite to participate in a detailed discussion: if you want to add a fully-fledged comment, please write the proposals in an open document, having authorised through gmail or signing your comment. Document for comments is available via the link  https://goo.gl/rYDqod

A detailed table with the causes of the problems, implications and solutions proposals in pdf format: https://goo.gl/aVV2i6.

Comments and proposals are welcome until 15 October.



Administrative services


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