Kolomyiska hromada: first steps after amalgamation

The Kolomyiska hromada, which is the first AH in the Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast having its centre in a town of oblast significance, officially completed the amalgamation procedure on 6 September. The meetings of the respective local councils took place in Kolomyia itself and in all four rural hromadas which were willing to amalgamate and had been included in the list of the hromada according to the Perspective Plan (Sheparivtsivska, Ivanivtsivska, Tovmachytska and Sadzhavska). As the first step, public hearings had taken place, all rural hromadas had provided their approval and the oblast state administration had issued its conclusion. The second step was to adopt a package of decisions on amalgamation.

“On the basis of these decisions we let four villages join our hromada. My congratulations! – said Ihor Slyusar, mayor of Kolomyia, after the vote results of the town council on the last decision of the amalgamation package had appeared on the screen, - and let me express my condolence to all employees of the executive bodies…”

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE

10.09.2018 - 10:03 | Views: 14456

Attached images:


amalgamation of hromadas accession


Івано-Франківська область


Коломийська міська об’єднана територіальна громада


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