U-LEAD is looking for trainers on water supply and sewage

U-LEAD with Europe: Ukraine – Local Empowerment, Accountability and Development Programme (U-LEAD) invites non-profit organisations and commercial firms to apply for call for Expression of Interest aimed for the development and implementation of capacity building measures for local self-government (‘the Assignment’).

The objective of the Assignment is to develop and conduct trainings and other capacity building measures on the topic ‘Water Supply and Sewage’ for officials and specialists of Amalgamated Hromadas in 24 oblasts of Ukraine.

For further details on the Assignment and the Expression of Interest, please follow the link.

The Programme invites expressions of interest from commercial firms and non-profit organisations.

The complete Expression of Interest should be submitted in English electronically through email to mykhaylo.moroz@giz.de with copy to oleksandr.kislitsyn@giz.de, to reach
U-LEAD by 18:00 of the 7th of September 2018.

Please note this is an invitation to express interest only and therefore:

  • Expressing your interest does not pre-qualify you as a short-listed candidate;
  • Expressing your interest does not guarantee that you will be eligible for a forthcoming invitation for the request for proposals;
  • GIZ reserves the right to change or cancel the above requirements at any time; without incurring any liability towards any interested party and/or any obligation to inform any interested party of the grounds for its action.
  • All costs incurred in connection with the submission of this EOI are non-refundable by GIZ.


22.08.2018 - 16:17 | Views: 8988
U-LEAD is looking for trainers on water supply and sewage

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