I appeal to the CEC to decide on appointment of the first elections to AHs; legal debates are simply irrelevant here, - Hennadii Zubko

Hennadii Zubko, Vice Prime Minister – Minister of Regional Development, Construction, Housing and Communal Services, in an official letter to the CEC substantiated why the elections can be appointed in AHs.

“In my letter to the CEC, I provided a legal justification, why the decision of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine of 26 April 2018 4-r / 2018 does not affect the CEC's powers to decide on the appointment of the first elections in amalgamated hromadas. 98 hromadas are already waiting for the decision on the first elections, and 53 hromadas are looking forward to additional elections – it is more than 1 million citizens. If we count the hromadas that are now preparing documents for submission to the CEC, then the number of hromadas will be more than two hundred with two and a half million Ukrainians. I appeal to the CEC to adopt a decision on appointment of the first elections in AHs, ledal debates are simply irrelevant here,” he wrote on his Facebook page.



16.08.2018 - 09:00 | Views: 13839

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elections H.Zubko amalgamation of hromadas CEC


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