Zabolottivska AH focuses on bordering status in its development strategy

How to attract a potential investor to hromada and create new jobs? Which direction to develop the territory bordering Belarus? Who will be responsible for specific areas of work to improve living standards in general?

Answers to these questions were provided by local self-government representatives and residents of the Zabolottivska AH at a working meeting on strategy writing. Experts of the Volyn Local Government Development Centre provided active assistance in establishing a roadmap for the development of this bordering hromada.

“Own strategy is a success for hromadas. It is confirmed by the examples of those amalgamated hromadas of the Volyn Oblast that have already developed and implemented this important document. The biggest current challenge for every hromada is to earn resources to solve a significant number of local issues. And the precisely planned steps taken together with the AH residents, as well as possibility of exercising public control at any stage of work, give the opportunity to move and effectively solve specific problems,” said Anatoliy Parkhomyuk, Director of the LGDC.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE

08.08.2018 - 15:17 | Views: 8702
Zabolottivska AH focuses on bordering status in its development strategy

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Волинська область


Заболоттівська селищна об’єднана територіальна громада Заболоттівська територіальна громада



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