115 hromadas to receive assistance from U-LEAD with Europe Programme in ASC establishment and modernisation

115 hromadas from 22 oblasts of Ukraine will receive assistance within the 1st round of the Roll-Out Phase for improved administrative service provision of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme.

150 applications were selected by the Competition Commission to participate in the first round of the Roll-Out Phase, 149 hromadas were visited by the Programme experts, 115 of which confirmed their capacity to establish a proper ASC in partnership with the Programme.

Within the framework of the 1st round, 86 (72%) ordinary ASCs, 24 (20%) city-rayon ones, 6 (5%) mobile ASCs, and 4 (3%) ASCs within the inter-municipal cooperation will be established. There are cases of integration of various models in hromadas, for example, the city-rayon mobile ASC.

Currently, the Terms of Reference (ToR) – an individual document with the most detailed description of all aspects of the ASC establishment – is being approved for all 115 hromadas.

The ToR consists of a detailed description of the institutional and physical aspects of the ASC establishment. An implementation plan on each ToR aspect with the terms and areas of responsibility has been agreed with each hromada.

Precise information on each participating hromada can be found on the Roll-Out Phase website https://tsnap.ulead.org.ua/en/

It should be mentioned that applications for participation in the 2nd round to get assistance in the ASC establishment and modernisation are being received until 31 August; hromadas from all oblasts of Ukraine may participate in the Programme.

02.08.2018 - 16:11 | Views: 14034
115 hromadas to receive assistance from U-LEAD with Europe Programme in ASC establishment and modernisation

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Administrative services


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