Collection of success stories on involvement of hromada members in decision-making process

The Civic Network OPORA, within the framework of the “Responsible Community Governance” project, with the financial support of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme, is collecting success stories of involving citizens in the decision-making process in amalgamated hromadas of Ukraine.

To join, you need to send a success story of your AH:

  • Venue of the success story (AH name)
  • Success story description in a free form (size – up to 1 text page).
  • Obligatory – contact details of the person to address in case of additional questions.

Your stories will be published in the targeted media resourses, from which other AHs will learn about your successful experience of involving citizens in decision-making process. You will also receive a set of literature to get more information on Ukrainian and foreign examples of citizens’ involvement.

Please, send your success stories to with a note “Success story of citizens’ involvement” BY 12 August 2018.

For comments, please, address:

Halyna Seheda, communications assistant of the project

tel.: +380977052366


The “Responsible Community Governance” is implemented by the All-Ukrainian Civic Network OPORA in cooperation with the Laboratory of Civic Participation “Stocznia” (Poland) with the support of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE

02.08.2018 - 10:26 | Views: 10517
Collection of success stories on involvement of hromada members in decision-making process


participation of citizens


Громадянська мережа ОПОРА

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