ATTENTION! New project “Marathon: Energy Efficient and Safe Hromada” launched

A press conference on the occasion of the launch of the new project “Marathon: Energy Efficient and Safety Hromada” will take place on 2 August at 12.00 (Hall 2).

Organiser: Associaltion of Amalgamated Hromadas.

Participants: Valentyna Poltavets – Executive Director of the Association of AHs; Veniamin Sitov, member of the Management Board of the Association of AHs, head of “Safety in Hromadas” sectoral platform of the Association, head of the Merefyanska AH; Oksana Harnets, head of the Swiss-Ukrainian Project “Decentralisation Support in Ukraine” (DESPRO); Ima Khrenova-Shymkina, Deputy Director of the project “Energy Efficiency in Hromadas”; Bohdan Rozvanyuk, head of the commercial service of PJSC “DATAGROUP”; Vasyl Matskovskyi, Deputy Director on commercial issues, LLC “Zolotoy Mandarin Kvadra”; Olha Afonina, Director of “Ondulin Budivelni Materialy”, LLC; Oleksiy Ryabokon, Deputy Head of the Associaltion of AHs, head of the Pyryatynska AH; Hryhoriy Rudyuk, Deputy Head of the Associaltion of AHs,head of the Novoborivska AH.

In brief. Within the framework of the “Marathon: Energy Efficient and Safe Hromada” project, informative events and presentations will be held in 4 oblasts of Ukraine, as well as “Energy Efficient Hromada” and “Safe Hromada” competitions will be announced. The project has a social and informational focus, since the competition will involve hromada residents.

The aim of the competition is to identify the problematic issues and opportunities for development in the field of safety and energy efficiency of hromadas, as well as to present best practices in these areas.

The marathon is supported by the Swiss-Ukrainian project “Decentralisation Support in Ukraine” (DESPRO), GIZ Energy Efficiency in Municipalities Project, PJSC DATAGROUP, LLC “Zolotoy Mandarin Kvadra”, “Ondulin Budivelni Materialy”, LLC.

For reference. One of the strategic objectives of the Association of Amalgamated Hromadas is to promote the creation of a safe environment in hromadas. Today’s safe hromada is primarily an energy efficient hromada, which aims to carry out high-quality thermo-modernisation of municipal facilities, using the latest technologies and solutions, engages in energy independence and seeks to replace gas with alternative fuels with the use of alternative energy sources, as well as cares about the safety of local residents and their comfortable lives.

Ukrinforms address: 8/16 Bohdan Khmelnytskyi street (Teatralna metro station)

Contact telephone numbers: (044) 299-03-32, 299-05-01

Admittance by work permits and cards of the members of the Ukraine’s National Union of Journalists.




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