U-LEAD with Europe Programme is looking for trainers for hromadas

U-LEAD with Europe: Ukraine – Local Empowerment, Accountability and Development Programme (U-LEAD) invites individual experts and non-profit organisations to apply for call for Expression of Interest aimed for the development and implementation of trainings for local self-government officials.

At present stage, the main objective of the assignment is to develop and conduct trainings for AH heads on the defined topics during mid-September/October 2018 until June 2019 in 24 oblasts of Ukraine.

The Programme invites expressions of interest from individual experts and non-profit organisations according to following directions:

  • Local economic development -non-profit organisations - LINK
  • Rural economic development – individual experts - LINK
  • Spatial planning and infrastructure development – individual experts LINK AND non-profit organisations – LINK
  • Youth policy and sports – individual experts – LINK
  • Safety&security – individual experts – LINK

You might find all detailed information according to each dimension, as well as eligibility criteria, following the links, provided above.

Deadline for submission of documents – 10.08.2018 (COB).

Please note this is an invitation to express interest only and therefore:

  • Expressing your interest does not pre-qualify you as a short-listed candidate;
  • Expressing your interest does not guarantee that you will be eligible for a forthcoming invitation for the request for proposals;
  • GIZ reserves the right to change or cancel the above requirements at any time; without incurring any liability towards any interested party and/or any obligation to inform any interested party of the grounds for its action.
  • All costs incurred in connection with the submission of this EOI are non-refundable by GIZ.
27.07.2018 - 09:32 | Views: 17035
U-LEAD with Europe Programme is looking for trainers for hromadas

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