Hromadas’ problem-solving experience: collection of AH success stories

NGO “Association for the Promotion of Self-Organisation of the Population” presented the publication: “How does it work? Success stories of development problem-solving of AHs” (DOWNLOAD).

The collection contains examples of solving various problems of development that arise in amalgamated hromadas of Ukraine. The establishment of communication between the authorities and residents, transparency and openness of local budgets, initiation of hromada, decentralisation of the library sector, fire safety, and balancing of the interests of central and peripheral hromadas within the amalgamated one were the topics highlighted.

The agents of change in these success stories include the Resource Centres for the Development of Local Democracy, local authorities representatives, and the initiative groups of residents.

The publication may be useful for hromadas’ activists, representatives of local public authorities, in particular those involved in implementation of the local self-government reform, and for students and tutors of socio-political disciplines.

23.07.2018 - 10:27 | Views: 20389
Hromadas’ problem-solving experience: collection of AH success stories


Best practices amalgamation of hromadas participation of citizens


Громадський Простір

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