PRESS ANNOUNCEMENT! Hennadii Zubko and international partners of decentralisation to take part in bicycle tour in Zhytomyr Oblast on 16 June

On 16 June 2018, Hennadii Zubko, Vice Prime Minister – Minister of Regional Development, Construction, Housing and Communal Services of Ukraine, will take part in a cycling promotional tour in the Korostyshivska amalgamated hromada of the Zhytomyr Oblast to mark the launch of the “Green Light for Cycling in Hromadas”.

He will be joined by donors and partners, actively supporting the decentralisation and regional policy reform in Ukraine, including the EU Delegation in Ukraine.

The “Green Light for Cycling in Hromadas” project aims to promote cycling as a sustainable, environmentally friendly and healthy means of mobility, alternative to traditional transport. The project is being implemented by the U-LEAD with Europe Programme in cooperation with the Kyiv Cyclists’ Association, supported by MinRegion.

The project has several components, including: a cycling development campaign among schoolchildren in different hromadas and a series of planned workshops for promoting, designing and building hromada cycling infrastructure.

The bicycle tour will start at 11 am on 16 June in the village of Kropyvnya of the Korostyshivska AH and will end at 2 pm at the central square of Korostyshiv.

The U-LEAD with Europe Programme provides a transfer from Kyiv and back for interested media representatives.

There is also a possibility to take part in the tour on a rented bicycle, provided by the organisers.

Please, register at the link:

For additional information, please, call Yevhen Dukhovych: 067 656 40 08.

Address for e-mail requests:

12.06.2018 - 10:10 | Views: 10842
PRESS ANNOUNCEMENT! Hennadii Zubko and international partners of decentralisation to take part in bicycle tour in Zhytomyr Oblast on 16 June




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Коростишівська міська об’єднана територіальна громада Коростишівська територіальна громада


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