705 amalgamated hromadas are formed in Ukraine, and the process will steadily gain momentum, claims Prime Minister

At present, 705 amalgamated hromadas are formed in Ukraine, and this process will further steadily gain momentum, because amalgamation is a new level of solving pressing issues that concern people, announced Prime Minister of Ukraine Volodymyr Groysman on the air of the 5th TV channel.

"It is important for people to be aware of the value of amalgamation – with the preservation of villages and identity. It offers an opportunity to reach a new level of solving the most burning issues that are of great concern for people – education, healthcare, roads, etc. For our part, we spare no effort,” the Prime Minister stressed.

The Head of Government emphasised that the process of amalgamation steps up the territory development. "Today, 705 hromadas have been already established. In 2014, I was told that this would never happen, however today we see the result," he added.

According to him, at present there are many amalgamation mechanisms – even in the Luhansk and Donetsk Oblasts, where the civil-military administrations operate. The Head of Government is convinced that it is not necessary to hesitate with amalgamation, since the joint work for the benefit of the region and its inhabitants allows not only to increase the existing possibilities, but also to avoid any political risks, for example, of pre-election populism.

"Powers, financial resources and responsibility are three pillars of decentralisation. The state has a control function. We (partially) already have the legal basis for all processes, and we continue to work out them. Our desire is to ensure the whole country consists of strong and developed hromadas. It will change the life of Ukrainians for the better. People will feel changes," the Prime Minister claimed.

He also drew attention to the fact that both amalgamation and awareness of the problems of the region allow to switch from day to day development plans to development based on the principles of medium-term planning.

"Today it is essential to shape hromadas’ development strategies. People know better what they need. We, within the priorities of the state, will support it,” the Prime Minister stressed. “We are now completely rebuilding the work of the Cabinet of Ministers. We approved the five-year action plan with priorities and tasks ... We see where we should go and what we should do.”


05.06.2018 - 10:25 | Views: 16594
705 amalgamated hromadas are formed in Ukraine, and the process will steadily gain momentum, claims Prime Minister



Volodymyr Groysman amalgamation of hromadas


Урядовий портал

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