Starostas from Vinnytsia Oblast share experience with colleagues at Congress in Dnipro

The Dnipro Congress of starostas of AHs continues. The event is attended by the representatives of the Dnipropetrovsk Oblast State Administration, Dnipropetrovsk LGDC, the U-LEAD with Europe Programme, international donors' partnership programmes, as well as starostas of AHs from all oblasts of Ukraine. According to Lyudmyla Hurba, legal adviser of the Vinnytsia Local Government Development Centre, the Vinnytsia Oblast is represented by five starostas of starosta districts.

The best practices shared by the heads of starosta districts from all over Ukraine include the experience of the infrastructure development of the village of Netrebivka of the Tomashpilska AH, that was presented by the acting starosta Valentyna Dubchyk.The district she is the head of is 12th in the overall financial strength rating and the second in the Vinnytsia Oblast.

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25.05.2018 - 11:57 | Views: 14139
Starostas from Vinnytsia Oblast share experience with colleagues at Congress in Dnipro

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Вінницька область


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