Cheese and nut plantation: production revives in Bukovyna AHs

During a study tour of delegations from the Sumy Oblast hromadas to Bukovyna, representatives of the Sumy Oblast visited the Hlybotska amalgamated hromada.

Bukovyna colleagues shared with the guests the secrets of successfull revival of production in the region. In particular, the delegation visited a newly opened cheese dairy and a plantation for different walnut trees cultivation. The event was held at the initiative of the Chernivtsi Local Government Development Centre, established with the support of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme and the MinRegion.

During the visit to the Hlybotska AH, the representatives of the Sumy Oblast hromadas visited the recently opened cheese dairy. The community of Mykhaylivka village of the Hlybotska AH, with the support of the European funds, created a cooperative and built a new cheese-making plant, whivh opening ceremony was attended by the Austrian Ambassador to Ukraine Hermine Poppeller.

The cheese dairy, called "Khoroshi Gazdy", was constructed on the site of an old bath house. The project was implemented by the United Nations Development Programme at the expense of the Hlybotska AH and the Austrian Development Agency.

Last year the Hlybotska AH won the project "Economic development of agricultural servicing cooperatives and creation of a line for milk processing into hard, soft cheese and sour cream." EUR 250 thousand were allocated for the implementation of this project.

In addition to the newly opened cheese dairy, the Hlybotska AH has an enterprise that cultivates planting material of various types of walnut for sale. It is located in the neighbouring village of Chervona Dibrova. The enterprise claims their nuts are most adapted to the Ukrainian conditions, because they grow them in the mountainous territory, where the air temperature is several degrees lower than in the oblast centre. The delegation from the Sumy Oblast visited nut plantations of Bukovyna.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE


Сумська область Чернівецька область


Глибоцька селищна об’єднана територіальна громада Глибоцька територіальна громада



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