How to efficiently recycle waste and preserve environment – AHs of Vinnytsia Oblast study foreign experience

Last week, an international study tour of the representatives of AHs from the Vinnytsia Oblast and other oblasts of Ukraine to Austria took place with the support of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme. Heads of the Dashivska, Staroprylutska, Tomashpilska and Kunkivska AHs got acquainted with the European experience of solid waste recycling, visited industrial sites and in rural areas, as well as visited the farms of the EU state.

According to Vitaliy Shvets, municipal service expert of the Vinnytsia LGDC, who accompanied the group, household waste management means a clean environment and source of income for hromadas: from collection and thorough sorting to recycling and manufacturing of household items within industrial production.

During the trip, representatives of the oblast hromadas also visited the rural regions of Austria, where they learnt the experience of farming enterprises, which, in addition to agriculture, specialise in waste processing.

Within the framework of the study visit, the heads of AHs got acquainted with the best practices in the organisation of work on waste management. During the visit to the communal enterprise of St. Pölten, the capital of Lower Austria, the representatives of AHs observed the recycling process in their own eyes.

Vinnytsia Local Government Development Centre expresses its gratitude to the South-Western Hub of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme for an interesting and meaningful study trip, organised for hromada representatives from the oblasts of Ukraine.


The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE

22.05.2018 - 11:34 | Views: 16771
How to efficiently recycle waste and preserve environment – AHs of Vinnytsia Oblast study foreign experience

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