DeHack Dnipro: 72 hours for breakthrough decentralisation

DeHack is a series of local decentralisation hackathons. This time the Hackathon will be held on 25-27 May in Dnipro.

What will be in DeHack?

Together with representatives of AHs, you will develop an idea and work on the concept and prototype of your project. Experienced mentors, amongst which are business professionals, civil society and media representatives, founders of startups, will help with it. Three most important decisions will be rewarded. In addition, DeHack will help you with piloting projects in the interested AHs.

DeHack projects will cover such topics as improving administrative services, environment, health and safety issues. And that's not all – you can add your own topics!

DeHack is open for: startups, IT professionals, civic activists, businesses, students and representatives of amalgamated hromadas. We will accept applications from established teams and independent enthusiasts.

Participation is free. To join, let us know about yourself in the form:

Hackaton will be conducted at the Parle Conference Centre, 21G Troyitska Street.

Any questions? Call +380931081979 or email to

Read more on the website:

The event has been organised with the support of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme funded by the European Union and its member states Denmark, Estonia, Germany, Poland and Sweden.

14.05.2018 - 16:09 | Views: 12646
DeHack Dnipro: 72 hours for breakthrough decentralisation




Дніпропетровська область


Програма «U-LEAD з Європою»

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