Operating procedure of Council of AHs and its executive committee, as well as provisions on council’s standing commissions: samples of documents from experts

Experts of the Analytical and Legal Group of the Central Reform Office under MinRegion prepared sample documents for amalgamated hromadas:

  • Regulations for rural AH council (DOWNLOAD)
  • Regulations for executive committee of the rural AH (DOWNLOAD)
  • Provisions on standing commissions of the rural AH council (DOWNLOAD)

Sample documents have been developed with the support of the U-LEAD with Europe: Ukraine – Local Empowerment, Accountability and Development Programme.

03.05.2018 - 10:13 | Views: 38840
Operating procedure of Council of AHs and its executive committee, as well as provisions on council’s standing commissions: samples of documents from experts


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28.10.2020 - 11:58
Одразу видно, що зразки готували "експерти". Неодноразово зустрічаються в тексті "міський голова", "селищна рада", хоча регламент сільської ради, а також є посилання на статті, які визначають повноваження районних та обласних рад. Треба дуже обережно користуватися такими зразками
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