Representatives of AHs in Zakarpattia Oblast will learn to prepare project proposals on sustainable development

Initial phase of the training project “LEAD-UP: increasing the capability of amalgamated hromadas to sustainable development” is being held in the Zakarpattia Oblast in support of the decentralisation reform. This project was supported by the U-LEAD with Europe Programme.

Training seminars have already been held in four hromadas (Perechynska AH, Irshavska AH, Baranynska AH and Polyanska AH) and two other potential AHs (Horondivska and Kholmkivska AHs). There remain only seminars in the Tyachivska and Vilkhovetska hromadas to be conducted.

The LEAD-UP project, implemented by Europolis NGO, is built in three stages. At the initial stage meeting take place in hromadas to familiarise the interested representatives of AHs with the project objectives. "We decided not to hold a general meeting for all hromadas, since every AH has its own needs. In addition, the residents of AHs are more open to discussion under such a format, and it's easier to find out what issues they are concerned about the most," explains project manager Yevhen Luksha. “We wanted to know exact needs of every hromada and projects they are interested in. Thus, we can more effectively plan further work with project participants. We will not train on virtual examples. We base the training on a real topic relevant to a particular hromada."

The project is being implemented with the support of the Zakarpattia Local Government Development Centre.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE

02.05.2018 - 15:46 | Views: 9944
Representatives of AHs in Zakarpattia Oblast will learn to prepare project proposals on sustainable development

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