Mayor of Rozhyshche took over experience of colleagues from Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast

Rozhyshche town mayor Vyacheslav Polishchuk, together with local authorities from the towns of the Lutsk, Ratne, Kovel and Ivanychi Rayons, took over the experience of their colleagues from the Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast.

During the study visit on "Experience of cooperation between authorities, hromadas and business in the urban hromada and settlement amalgamated hromada" within the framework of the "Success Routes" programme, they could evaluate accomplishments of the Burshtyn Town Council and Bilshivtsivska settlement AH.

The first day of the "Success Route" ended with a meeting at the DTEK's Local Economic Development Agency, where the Volyn Oblast representatives got acquainted with the Agency's work areas, implemented projects, and met with experts, who provided comprehensive answers to questions on local economic development and investment attraction. During the next day, they visited the Bilshivtsivska AH, where they were welcomed by Maria Shchepanska, deputy head of the settlement, starostas of the villages and council representatives.

“Such “Success Routes" are needed in order to establish connections between hromadas and learn practical experience. We have to amalgamate for the revival of Ukraine, because it's time to start working," said Vyacheslav Polishchuk, head of the town of Rozhyshche. “The more we travel and take over the experience, the more capable and prosperous hromadas will be."

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE


Волинська область Івано-Франківська область



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