Decentralisation is the only successful reform today, - Oleksandr Slobozhan

Today, Oleksandr Slobozhan, Executive Director of the Association of Ukrainian Cities, took part in the "Morning on NewOne" programme.

He spoke particularly about the results of the General Assembly of the AUC and the Day of Dialogue with the Parliament, held on 14 November. "The main thing discussed was the draft State Budget for 2018, amendments to the Budget Code of Ukraine, and draft laws important for the development of local self-governance," said Oleksandr Slobozhan. He emphasised that the interests of local budgets have to be considered in the State Budget for 2018.

"The decentralization reform is currently the only successful reform," said Oleksandr Slobozhan.



AUC budget Statebudget2018 O.Slobozhan


Асоціація міст України

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