From Now On, Local Councils Shall Independently Register the Place of Residence of an Individual - the Uniform Rules are Published

One more step toward the decentralisation of power is made: from now on, the local councils will independently register the individuals' place of residence. In this connection, the existing registration of individuals continues to be in force and requires no re-registration.

With the aim of exercising by local self-government bodies of their powers pertaining to the registration of individuals, the Government has adopted uniform rules for registration of the place of residence of an individual in the territory of the relevant    administrative-territorial entity.

Also, there were approved the forms of required documents and the procedure for transfer by the registration authorities of information on the registration/ de-registration of the place of residence to the Uniform State Demographic Register.

It is a reminder that starting from 4 April 2016, the provisions of Law of Ukraine No. 888-VIII "On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of Ukraine with Respect to the Expansion of Powers of the Bodies of Local Self-Government and Optimisation of Administrative Services" became effective, pursuant to which provisions the powers in the area of registration and de-registration of the place of residence of individuals were delegated to the local self-government bodies (executive body of the village, town, or city council, the head of a village (in the event when, in accordance with the Law, no executive body of the village council is established) acting as the registration authority).

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