MinDigit has launched a series of educational videos about Prozorro.Sales

With the support of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme, the Ministry of Digital Transformation has launched an educational course “School of online auctions: how to buy or sell property”.

This was announced by Valeria Ionan, Deputy Minister for European Integration at the Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine, Ukrinform reports.

“Even in wartime, we continue to work on the development of digital literacy of citizens, because it is important for the restoration and construction of Ukraine’s digital economy. The new educational course will be useful for civil servants and representatives of local self-government, as well as representatives of business and state-owned enterprises who want to expand their knowledge about the types of auctions and learn how to participate in them,” said Valeria Ionan.

According to her, students of the course will learn:

  • principles of the auction system and their types,
  • what is an electronic platform and how to choose it,
  • how to correctly describe lots to find customers,
  • how to announce the auction and participate in it,
  • peculiarities of auctions for privatization and alienation,
  • how to conduct electronic land auctions.

The first two of the ten modules of the educational series are already available on the online platform Diia.Digital. In addition, in a while the whole series will be available on the atingi learning platform, which is used by U-LEAD.

20.05.2022 - 12:07 | Views: 3011
MinDigit has launched a series of educational videos about Prozorro.Sales


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