The Government has allocated UAH 400 million for priority measures to eliminate the consequences of military actions in Kharkiv oblast and to restore water supply in Chernihiv

The Government has allocated UAH 400 million from the reserve fund of the state budget to eliminate the consequences of military actions in Kharkiv oblast and restore centralized water supply and sewerage in Chernihiv. Relevant orders developed by MinRegion were adopted at the meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine on April 26.

“As a result of Russia’s military aggression, Ukraine’s infrastructure has suffered significant damage – thousands of houses, schools, hospitals, as well as housing and communal services have been damaged or destroyed. Therefore, the Government is taking priority steps to restore vital services to the population and perform major construction and repair work in municipalities affected by the war,” said Oleksiy Chernyshov, Minister for Communities and Territories Development.

It should be noted that the order “On the allocation of funds from the reserve fund of the state budget to eliminate the consequences of military actions in Kharkiv oblast” provides for the allocation of UAH 250 million to the Kharkiv Oblast Military Administration for priority measures to eliminate the consequences of fightings in the region. It is a question of carrying out works on inspection of buildings and constructions, repair and replacement of windows, repair of roofs, repair of heat, water, gas and electric networks, dismantling of the destroyed designs, etc.

In turn, in accordance with the order “On the allocation of funds from the reserve fund of the state budget for financial support of Utility Enterprise “Chernihivvodokanal”, the Government allocates UAH 150 million for the restoration of the centralized water supply and sewerage in Chernihiv. In particular, the funds will be directed to:

  • reconstruction of the water pumping station No 2 “Podusivka” and transformer substations for the installation of an autonomous power supply;
  • other measures necessary to resume the provision of centralized water supply and sewerage services to consumers.

We will remind that earlier the Government accepted the resolutions necessary for the organization of works on restoration or dismantle of the buildings and constructions damaged as a result of the armed aggression of the Russian Federation.

26.04.2022 - 18:50 | Views: 3459
The Government has allocated UAH 400 million for priority measures to eliminate the consequences of military actions in Kharkiv oblast and to restore water supply in Chernihiv


infrastructure budget war



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