School meals reform: how municipalities can get funds to redesign food units

The 2022 State Budget envisages a subvention in the amount of UAH 1,5 billion for redesigning school food units. To get the funds, local self-government bodies have to stick to demands, developed by the Ministry of Development of Communities and Territories of Ukraine. They cover project documentation development as well as inclusion and barrierlessness norms guarantee. It was highlighted by Deputy Minister of Development of Communities and Territories Ivan Lukerya.

«Redesigning food units is a significant constituent of the school meals reform, going on under the auspices of the first lady Olena Zelenska. The 2022 State Budget envisages a subvention for redesigning school food units. So, municipalities will be able to submit their project propositions and get funds to construct, reconstruct and repair school canteens, based on the advanced technological process, ensuring НАССР standards, as well as cooking a range of quality and safe food», — claimed Ivan Lukerya.

31.12.2021 - 08:07 | Views: 8550
School meals reform: how municipalities can get funds to redesign food units


education I.Lukerya budget



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