How to make notary services more accessible: expert recommendations

Experts from the U-LEAD with Europe Programme's Support to Improved Administrative Service Delivery prepared a policy-note on notarial actions committed by officials of local self-government bodies.

The focus of the note is the legislative restriction on committing notarial actions by officials of local self-government bodies only in rural settlements. The analysis of the problem allows to make a conclusion that even before adopting legislative changes, the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine may create the conditions for providing notary services in urban-type settlements. The solution of the problem will allow to improve access of citizens to notary services, especially in the hromadas where there are no state notary offices and private notaries.

More details on the policy-note can be found via the link.

24.09.2019 - 15:30 | Views: 12502
How to make notary services more accessible: expert recommendations

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Administrative services


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