30 September is deadline for journalistic reports on decentralisation to be accepted

Until 30 September, the All-Ukrainian Competition of Journalistic Works “Reform of Local Self-Government and Territorial Organisation of Power” collects reports of regional media representatives (online, printed, radio, TV report).

The competition is held by MinRegion – find detailed information HERE.

One participant can submit no more than one competition application for each of 4 nominations, that is, in total, no more than 4 applications (online, printed, radio, TV report), submitting them as separate competition applications – APPLICATION FORM is available HERE: http://bit.ly/ApplicationForm-2019

Each of the four nominations (online, printed, radio, TV report) has three awards:

  • І prize – UAH 20000,

  • ІІ prize – UAH 15000,

  • ІІІ prize – UAH 10000.

Competition details can be obtained by phone: (044) 458-44-40; (044) 501-92-03; (093) 403-58-87; (097) 917-70-70, or by e-mail: contest@internews.ua.

Competition partnersCouncil of Europe Programme “Decentralisation and local government reform in Ukraine”, CO Internews-Ukraine and OSCE Project Co-ordinator in Ukraine

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE




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