Bilyaiivska urban AH expands by accession of neighbouring villages

The Odesa Oblast State Administration has approved the conclusion on the conformity to the Constitution and laws of Ukraine of the draft decisions made by the Bilyaiivka City Council of the Bilyaiivka Rayon in the Odesa Oblast on the voluntary amalgamation of the territorial communities of Myrne and Shyroka Balka villages of the Myrne Village Council into the Bilyaiivska urban amalgamated hromada.

This is reported by the Odesa Local Government Development Centre of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme.

“For more than a year, the residents of the villages that belong to the Myrne village council have been waiting for the final decision on accession to the Bilyaiivska hromada. Now this is almost a settled issue, so the Bilyaiivska urban hromada is getting bigger,” said Oksana Hunenkova, decentralisation adviser of the Odesa LGDC.

Recently, the Kiliia City Council has given its consent to accession of the villages of Novoselivka and Dmytrivka to the Kiliyska AH, and the Zatyshanska AH has agreed to accession of the Malihonovo Village Council.

In total, there are 32 AHs in the Odesa Oblast.


27.08.2019 - 10:16 | Views: 9744

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Одеська область


Біляївська міська об’єднана територіальна громада


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