ATTENTION! Photos for All-Ukrainian Photo Contest “Breaking Stereotypes: Strong Women of My Hromada” still being accepted

The receipt of works for the all-Ukrainian photo contest “Breaking stereotypes: Strong women of my hromada" was extended until 25 June.

The photo contest aims to highlight the issue of gender inequality and show the importance of empowering women. The organisers encourage participants to share photos of their mothers, sisters, friends, neighbours, teachers, who are confident and free in their choices regarding private and professional life.

The photo contest will help the public to understand that women should have equal rights to participate in educational, social, ecological and political life of the hromada. It is important to understand and realise that women in the modern age are not only equally competent, but often even lead in several socio-economic spheres, thus making their presence in the workplace extremely important. Breaking stereotypes, the organisers urge people to strive for a better independent life, free from discrimination.

Sign up for and show the story of strong Ukrainian women who are not afraid to raise their voices, who are active in the life of their own city, village or urban-type settlement, women who use their passion and determination to cause changes, motivate and encourage others to succeed, continue struggle for their rights, justice and independence.

How to join the contest:

  1. Take a look around your native hromada, talk to family members, friends and neighbours to find out inspirational stories of women.
  2. Take a picture of a woman, who best illustrates the vision of "strong women in local life", whose achievements you respect.
  3. Upload up to three photos on the website and win prizes.

The All-Ukrainian photo contest "Breaking stereotypes: Strong women of my hromada" is being implemented by the U-LEAD with Europe Programme, Ukraine – Local Empowerment, Accountability and Development Programme, co-funded by the European Union and its member states Denmark, Estonia, Germany, Poland and Sweden.




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