Relationship between state budget and budgets of AHs, where first elections were not held through martial law, settled

On 28 February, the Verkhovna Rada approved amendments to the State Budget for 2019. It regulates the relationship between the state budget and the budgets of the AHs, in which there were no local elections at the end of 2018 due to the martial law applied in 10 oblasts, the Ministry of Finance reports.

“Prior to making changes to the 2019 budget, the rayons included these AHs did not receive money from the budget, and salaries in the field of education and medicine were not funded. Now everything will be how it should be, and indicators of local budgets for 2019 will be balanced,” said the message.

01.03.2019 - 10:26 | Views: 11716
Relationship between state budget and budgets of AHs, where first elections were not held through martial law, settled


budget amalgamation of hromadas


Мінісерство фінасів України

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