Improvement of Civil Protection System Effectiveness in AHs – applications for participation in the project can be submitted by 17 December

Amalgamated hromadas are invited to apply for participation in the U-LEAD with Europe’s initiative “Creation of efficient Civil Protection Systems in AHs” jointly implemented with the Association of Volunteer Fire Brigades of Republic of Poland. The project will run up to October 2019.

This project contributes to strengthening capacities of amalgamated municipalities in the area civil protection as well as supports them in the process of developing local crisis management and civil protection planning – with special emphasis on creating voluntary fire brigades.

To apply, please complete the Application Form and send it by December 17, 2018 cob to the following email address: If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us at +380935157843.

We kindly remind that 30 selected amalgamated hromadas will benefit from:

  • Receiving respective knowledge and sample documentation necessary for civil protection system creation and management;
  • Learning Polish experience on responsibilities of municipalities in civil protection sphere;
  • Professional training for volunteer fire brigades;
  • Support in development of detailed local safety plans under supervision of international and national experts.

As a precondition for participation in the initiative, AHs must demonstrate sufficient motivation to establish and maintain volunteer fire brigades and be ready to appoint a person responsible for VFB`s coordination. Availability at least one fire vehicle under AHs ownership or expecting to receive one within 2019 is an advantage.

In addition, priority in the selection process will be given to AHs not yet participating in other initiatives supported by the U-LEAD with Europe Programme or other international donor programmes supporting the decentralisation reform.


14.12.2018 - 12:17 | Views: 11468
Improvement of Civil Protection System Effectiveness in AHs – applications for participation in the project can be submitted by 17 December

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