Youth and journalists, covering decentralisation, participated in the World Forum for Democracy 2018 in France

On 19-21 November 2018 the World Forum for Democracy brought together nearly 2000 participants from 65 countries in the Council of Europe head-quarters to discuss the issues of gender equality and women’s rights. The Ukrainian delegation included youth teams-winners in nomination “We are local self-government!” of the International Child TV-Festival “DYTYATKO” and journalists-winners of the National Media Contest on Decentralisation. The visit was organised by the Council of Europe Programme “Decentralisation and Local Government Reform in Ukraine”.

The World Forum for Democracy is a unique platform for political decision-makers and activists to debate solutions to key challenges for democracies worldwide. By identifying and analysing experimental initiatives and practices, the Forum highlights and encourages democracy innovations at the grassroots and their transfer on a systemic level in order to strengthen the foundations of democratic societies. The Forum, thus, contributes to the evolution of democracy towards more participatory and inclusive structures and institutions.

More information about the World Forum for Democracy 2018 is available here.

03.12.2018 - 12:34 | Views: 5543

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Програма Ради Європи «Децентралізація і реформа місцевого самоврядування в Україні»

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