U-LEAD invites CSOs to submit projects, aimed at engagement of youth, women and people with disabilities in hromada development

The U-LEAD with Europe Programme seeks close cooperation with civil society organisations (CSO) engaged at regional and local level to foster the decentralisation reform aimed at strengthening local self-governance and promoting hromada development, and invites them to submit their proposals to receive funding for implementation of their projects.

The U-LEAD with Europe Programme is ready to support innovative projects of CSOs aimed at promoting hromadas’ development, citizen participation in the development of amalgamated hromadas, and raising hromadas’ attractiveness through the implementation of such projects.

The projects should focus on either of the following topics:

  • Promoting youth participation in hromada development
  • Creating a dialogue between youth and authorities
  • Promoting women’s equal participation and representation in local decision-making processes and fostering gender balance in relevant local institutions
  • Promoting the inclusion of people with disabilities in hromada development projects and decision making.

U-LEAD invites CSOs from 22 oblasts of Ukraine and from the territories of the Luhansk and Donetsk Oblasts under the control of the Government of Ukraine (24 oblasts in total), working in the following areas at the regional and local levels:

  • Enhancing public knowledge and understanding with regard to the decentralisation reform and the related sectoral reforms on health and education
  • Facilitating a constructive dialogue between citizens, state actors and non-state actors
  • Promoting accountability of state institutions through participatory processes
  • Strengthening the access of citizens, in particular of young people and people with disabilities, to participatory planning and decision-making processes
  • Strengthening community development and strategic planning in hromadas
  • Supporting economic, educational, social and cultural development of hromadas
  • Improving the delivery of basic municipal services.

This call for proposals will close on 20 December 2018. All applications must be submitted in electronic format (e.g. word, pdf. files) via email to iryna.voitsekhivska@giz.de before the deadline.

Detailed information:

Call for Proposals (CfP ІІ) UKR (PDF)

Call for Proposals (CfP ІІ) EN (PDF)

Application form - UKR (Word)

Application form - EN (Word)

Budget form (Excel)

Annex (Word)

Annex (Word)

Annex (PDF)

Explanations to budget fill-in procedure (PDF)


21.11.2018 - 15:48 | Views: 28313
U-LEAD invites CSOs to submit projects, aimed at engagement of youth, women and people with disabilities in hromada development

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