Implementation of the Programme “Integrated Spatial Planning for Amalgamated Hromadas” launched

100 representatives of 30 AHs from 19 oblasts of Ukraine together with 30 spatial planning specialists, shortlisted for participation in the training programme as a result of an open preliminary call for proposals, gathered in Kyiv in the framework of the Seminar on "Introduction to Strategic Spatial Planning", held on 12-14 November 2018. This seminar is the beginning of the "Integrated Spatial Planning for Amalgamated Hromadas" programme.

During the first day of the seminar the educational team of the CANactions School presented the programme and general foundations of strategic spatial planning, and the participants had the chance to getting to know each other. Svitlana Plyushchiy, deputy head of the Guliaypilska AH, expressed her expectations of participation in the programme: "It is important for us to withdraw from the standards adopted by us in the countryside. We want something creative, vibrant, we strive to develop our hromada. We hope that our accomplishments in course of this programme will yield fruit and results in 10 years, and our children will not think how to move from here, but will stay in the native hromada and will be proud of it.”


“Integrated Spatial Planning for Amalgamated Hromadas” is a free educational and practical programme for local self-government representatives and spatial planning specialists organised by CANactions School for Urban Studies with the support of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme.


13.11.2018 - 09:46 | Views: 9252
Implementation of the Programme “Integrated Spatial Planning for Amalgamated Hromadas” launched

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