Second wave of AH deputies’ enrollment for training seminars has started

In the framework of the project “Strong Councils – Capable Hromadas”, implemented with the support of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme, the Institute of Political Education organises a series of seminars for AH deputies.

Following the results of the first wave of selection, 100 AH deputies from 22 oblasts of Ukraine received an opportunity to take part in the seminars. For them, trainings will begin in early November.

To participate in the second wave of trainings that will start in January 2019, it is necessary to provide:

  • a filled-in questionnaire;
  • resume (short biography and experience of public and political activity);
  • essay on “Decentralisation in action. How is the reform implemented at hromada level?” (Maximum of 600 words);
  • reference from the organisation that delegates the participant (local council, etc.).

As a result of the competitive selection, another 100 AH deputies will get an opportunity to study.

Deadline for sending documents: 1 December 2018.

All candidates will be informed of the selection results no later than 10 December.

Documents must be sent by e-mail to with IPO_U-LEAD as the subject matter.


tel.: 044 278-55-43

Nataliya Soroka 067-313-60-61

Denys Fedyunin 067-473-83-66

The “Strong Councils – Capable Hromadas” project is being implemented by the Institute of Political Education with the support of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme, that is a multi-donor action of the European Union and its member states Denmark, Estonia, Germany, Poland and Sweden.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE

06.11.2018 - 16:58 | Views: 12502
Second wave of AH deputies’ enrollment for training seminars has started

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Інститут Політичної Освіти

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